I feel all over the place, writing-wise. I need to work on a couple of query letters and synopses - blah. I need to revamp a bit on my Mod X offering and then finish the thing - ho hum. I've been fiddling with the idea of a short story/novella to submit to Cobblestone Press. Erotica. Whoo-wee! That sounds like the most fun to me.
So what I should be doing and what I actually want to be doing are two different things. I need to focus, I need to submit, cos I am this close to submitting two things. But I want to write a dirty little story that's been lingering in my head for the last few days, and I've already put a little bit down on paper. Aaah, nothing like starting a fresh new story!
Is everyone else focused? Doing what they should be? Not me! I swear, this weekend I'll get down to business. Promise.
Congrats to Cobblestone Press on their opening day and to all of the new authors! I can't wait to buy me a couple of new ebooks....