And it might get me in trouble again, considering Photobucket banned Mr. Bean in his underwear. I had a small copy of this pic up on my desk at work a few years ago, my kind and thoughtful friend and coworker gave it to me, laminated and everything (to prevent it from getting ruined by drool, I guess) and a manager (male) said it was a form of harrassment and I had to take it down.
He said this cos he just got busted for having some sexy girls in bikinis-type calendar in his office. Ha ha - my pic of Marky Mark grabbing his crotch in his undies harrassed him. I still have that laminated pic.>
Oooooh, Marky's pissed! I hear he HATES being called Marky Mark. Sorry, Mark Wahlberg.
I've blogged about men's backs before, but I'm going to say it again. Love 'em!
Aaah, my Saturday homage to Marky Mark, a la Calvin Klein underwear ads from 1992-1993.